July 5, 2000 Secretly Waiting For so long I have been a prisoner A prisoner of my untold feelings My heart bound by the chains of fear But the emotions are so strong They yearn to be set free My mind wanders into a new world A world full of wonder and “what if’s” Falling into the game of second-guessing Petals drop to the ground He likes me... he likes me not Retreating back to the reality of it all All I can do is daydream and fantasize The words rest on my lips and tongue But I remain utterly silent Yet again restrained by fear Secretly waiting for my hero to arrive For you to come along and free my heart To let me know once again that I can feel The warm embrace of affection The welcome comforts of home It has been a long time coming To put my hopes on someone so close Who inadvertantly found the way to my heart Through the innocence of friendship To the imprisoned, but undeniable emotions I face Release me from these chains of cold-blooded fears Fear of rejection, embarassment, and heartbreak Show me the door to enlightment Let me bask in the glow of knowledge Allow my emotions to run wild and free I have patiently awaited this coming moment To hear how you may feel about me Or to let you know how I feel about you The prison must crumble here and now My heart must know where we stand E-mail SweetDawg Previous Poetry Page